Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Vile childrens television programme shows violent killing in the name of religion

A character in a children's television programme affiliated with Hamas in Palestine has been using a mickey-mouse like character (named 'Farfour') as part of the show. Given the somewhat hateful message this pseudo-American symbol had been presenting, one might feel relieved that the program has ended, except for the dramatic way in which the mickey-mouse character was removed from the show.

In the final episode, Farfour is approached by an actor playing an Israeli wanting to buy his land. Presumably when Farfour refused, he was beaten to death.

There are, undoubtedly, legitimate claims for both Israeli and Palestinians in the middle east conflict. This is not in any way disputed. Involving children in this way must be seen as unacceptable.

What sick and deluded approach to childrens' television does this come from? Where is it acceptable in any sense of morality and right behaviour to demonstrate such hateful attitudes to children?

Children are innocent, and deserve to be left to their innocence. Whether it is physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse or brainwashing, it is still child abuse, and should be utterly unacceptable to any moral person.


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