Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Muslim juror in trial prefers to listen to music, jeopardises justice

A muslim woman, who had repeatedly attempted to get out of jury duty, was recently arrested and held in contempt of court for listening to her MP3 player under the cover of her hajib headscarf during the trial where she was a member of the jury. This included listening during sections of the murder trial where critical evidence was being presented.

Once the deception was discovered, she was discharged from the jury, searched, found to have hidden a MP3 player under her hajib, then arrested and bailed to appear in court later this month.

Justice, and participating in jury duty to ensure a fair and impartial trial, is a moral duty of modern society. To so blatantly act in such a contemptible fashion towards the justice system shows a profound lack of morals. Regardless of the final proven innocent or guilt of the person being tried, to so deliberately interfere with the judicial process is a dangerously selfish act.


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