Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Moral crusader senator admits to "a very serious sin" in his past

US Senator, David Vittler, a lector at his St Francis Xavier Church (according to his official online biography), who has made a career in politics of campaigning the moral high-ground for family values and protesting the lack of morals in other Louisiana politicians, as well as arguing against same-sex relationships and abortion, has recently been forced to admit to a "very serious sin" in his past, after it was discovered that his phone number was in the client list of Ms Deborah Jeane Palfrey, recently dubbed the "D.C. Madam".

As reported in the New York Times, Senator Vittler admitted to his sinful past, but seemed to neglect to admit to the sin of hypocrisy in his statement. Half a decade ago he was linked to a prostitute in New Orleans but vehemently denied the accusations.

It's a funny world we live in. It's not uncommon to see people vehemently campaign against the contents of their own closet. For instance, sometimes the most active and unpleasant homophobes are actually closeted people whom through various reasons cannot reconcile their sexual identity.

This level of hypocrisy in a public figure (so recently exemplified by the leader of a fundamentalist church in Colorado Springs) who has campaigned against the very things he does or has done in secret is certainly not a good example of moral religious activities.


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