Wednesday, 11 July 2007

3 christian men attempt to blow up church

Three men who belong to a radical christian group who believe that all christians should be under the same denomination were arrested last week after failing in their attempt to blow up a church belonging to another denomination in their town.

According to Martha Deller of the Star-Telegram, the men were discovered by the deacon of the church in question while they were attempting to setup the bomb they had planted. Under police questioning, they claimed to belong to a sect which "has three levels of involvement: bible study, consensual fighting, and destructive acts". Clearly the immoral would-be killers had managed to graduate to "destructive acts". Apparently they belonged to a group of seven such men who all felt that society was decaying and that it was time to 'send a message', so to speak.

Unfortunately none of the levels of involvement in their sect were to do with morality. To willingly prepare and plant explosives in the hope of killing people is a less than admirable trait.

Interestingly, the men seem to either be incredibly stupid, or particularly in need of setting conundrums for people to solve; they wouldn't identify their sect; presumably their aim is to convert everyone to following their "denomination", otherwise their first act, based on their intent, should have been to blow themselves up. It seems odd that people are meant to convert to a denomination that they don't name. This seems to be a direct manifestation of Grey's Law, which states "Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."

One wonders whether the "consensual fighting" had progressed to such a level that they all knocked out each other's senses, but unfortunately history has shown that people who stoop to such things are often quite aware of what they are doing and feel they are fully justified in doing so.

At the end of the day, "immoral" is perhaps the nicest thing that can be said about such people as these men.


Thanks to Atheist Resource UK for pointing this story out.

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