Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Pope says: "If you don't accept me as boss, you're not a true believer"

In a remarkable return to dark ages thought, the Vatican has released a statement, fully authorised by Joseph Ratzinger (AKA "Pope Benedict XVI"), which states that the Catholic church is the only true church in the world, and any church which does not recognise him as the ultimate authority is not a true church.

For years, centuries in fact, the various christian sects (Catholic, Protestant, etc.) have maintained various attempts to reconcile their various faiths.

This "think my way or else" thinking however is the kind which previously led to burnings, inquisitions, savage and brutal beatings, killings, etc.

Already the "clarification" issued by the Vatican has resulted in wide-spread condemnation from protestant groups.

For someone whom was supposedly a reluctant member of the Hitler youth, the Pope has demonstrated strong Nazi ideals by demanding that all christian sects obey and recognise him as the ultimate spokesperson for 'god' on Earth. Such demands for dogmatic and thoughtless obedience are reminiscent of the worst kinds of thought control and belief in a supreme leader.


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