Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Priest hurls racist, sexist and filthy diatribe against skateboarders

Clearly a sign of someone needing anger management, a catholic priest in Melbourne has in the last few days been embroiled in controversy after video clips were posted on YouTube showing him spewing racist, sexist and homophobic comments against skateboarders.

Now, while it should certainly be acknowledged that at the start of the video the priest was asking the skateboarders to remove themselves from church property, the rapidity at which the priest degenerates into spewing vitriolic abuse is by far and away completely uncalled for.

Surely a man of the cloth could simply resort to calling the police, rather than calling people "f*cking c*nts", or asking "how's your arsehole from being f*cked by all these c*nts?" After all, if the skateboarders had been repeatedly hanging around the church when they weren't welcome, surely that should be a matter for the police?

After the video was first posted and the story was picked up by Australian media, the priest in question apologised for his actions, saying that he had been more angry at that point than any time in his life. Within a couple of days however, videos surfaced showing the same priest, hurling the same sort of vitriol, over six months past, and another even later incident.


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